To make movies from the Synth MooVier docs included in the "Examples" folder, execute the following steps:
1) launch Synth MooVier;
2) open the File menu and select Open...: look for the desired file;
3) open the Movie menu and select Setup...: choose quality and frame dimensions;
4) re-open the Movie menu and select Make...: rename the destination document and wait for Synth MooVier to finish (a progress window shows every frame as it's created);
5) switch to the Finder;
6) launch a viewer application and see the results.
If you have a slow machine (like my LC...), you can make a preview movie by selecting Make preview... in step 4).
Warning! Synth MooVier is quite egocentric and doesn't release your Mac attention while it's "MooVing". So, be patient; the following are compilation time on my machine (LC 68020, no coprocessor, 4Mb RAM, frame WxH = 240x180, standard quality = 15fps):